15 Minute Guided BIBLE STUDY Meditation | ELIZABETH

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Wherever you, are gently close your eyes.
Find a comfortable posture.
Take a moment to wind down and focus on your breathing.

Give yourself permission in this moment to be proud of yourself.
Proud that she showed up for this guided meditation today.
Proud that you are going to be doing a special type of bible study.

Be proud of yourself, for allowing yourself this type of self-care.
Today we're going to be looking at Elizabeth, the Mother of John the Baptist.
Scripture tells us that she was a God-fearing woman
and her husband served in the temple faithfully,
even though they had no child.

Put yourself in a position.

Walk in her shoes for the next few minutes.
Have you also had places in your own journey
where you felt you had been faithful
and yet you were still waiting for God
to perform a miracle in your life?

Many of us go through this circumstances.
Many of us have felt what Elizabeth felt
you are probably feeling this exact same way in this moment.

And so i want you to say with me:

"My testimony will be too big to hide."
What has taken me long will suddenly find its way to me.
My season of answered prayer is now.

Every brass gate is shattered as my season is now.

Breathe in
and breathe out.

As you are breathing, allow yourself to release any
discouragement, any delays that you have been sensing
and carrying as a burden in your spirit.
Encourage yourself in the Lord in this moment.

Say it with me:

I am expectant for a miracle.
Like Elizabeth, i am becoming fruitful
in the places i used to be barren.
I am walking into my divine timing.
My prayers are meeting with their answers.

I will hold my John in my hands and give glory to God.
You see john was an answer prayer.
John was what they had always desired for.
And in God's perfect timing, God gave them
the desires of their heart.

Fill a wave of new faith rest
upon your head in this moment.
New faith to believe God.
New faith to trust him.
New faith to take him at his word.
New faith to believe that he still has not forgotten you.

Just like Elizabeth, in God's perfect
timing he makes all things beautiful.

So repeat it with me:

My seasons of delay are turning into seasons of preparation.
I am becoming a testimony to many
that the righteous are never forsaken.
I am supported.

I am faithfully always in position waiting for God to use me.
My years of faithfulness and service will be rewarded.

Now gently soften the muscles on your face. Smile....
The lord has not forgotten you.
He makes all things beautiful in his time.

Say it with me:

I am righteous before God despite what I am going through.
I stay blameless in a world where serving God
in tough times is difficult and rare.
Like Elizabeth i am receiving blessings too good for my age.

God is stripping me of any limitations hindering my fruitfulness.

Notice how your shoulders are relaxing
as you infuse yourself with God's promises for your life. Notice that peace.
Let go of any tension as you cast your burdens unto Jesus in this moment.

Say it with me: 

I am ready for a miracle.
I am ready for an encounter.
My set time is now.
I am expectant for God to change my story.

You see Elizabeth and Zechariah stayed faithful and hopeful
despite many years of barrenness.
They probably went through very difficult and painful
life situations where they would watch those around them
hold babies in their hands.
Where they would pray for others and
they would watch them conceive.

There are times when God will use us as
a vessel of blessing in other people's lives.
And yet still the very same grace that we use to be a blessing to others
seems not to be working in our own lives.

Do you have a specific place in your own journey
where you are feeling as though God has forgotten you?
Be encouraged by Elizabeth's story.
You are never forgotten. God knows you by name.

So repeat it with me:

No amount of waiting will change my belief
that all things are possible through Christ.
I am a billboard of God's grace.
What i carry is named by God.
I have watched others celebrate now it is my turn.
My wait was worth the while.
I will defend what i carry from being tempered with in this world.

When the Angel visited Zechariah
promising them the beautiful gift
that they would soon receive, the angel left a name.

Gently breathe in.
Gently breathe out.

Say this with me:

God is quickening my barren womb.
I shall be fruitful and i shall multiply.
I shall give birth to a world-class solution,
a maverick, a history maker.

My appointed time is sit.
I am humble at heart the weight has made me
a worthy vessel for God's use.
I am blessed to be used by God at such a time as this.

Elizabeth mentored Mary in her pregnancy.
Elizabeth honoured what Mary was carrying.
She was not intimidated by what Mary carried,
but she poured out all that she knew so,
she could be a blessing to Mary. 
Freely she had been given, freely she was giving back.

Do you have certain people on your
journey that have acted as Mentors and coverings
that have acted as teachers, pouring out
their wealth of wisdom
to make sure that what god has spoken
over your life is established.

Thank God for these people in your life.
In this moment, acknowledge that you are also an
Elizabeth to someone else.

So say this with me:

Freely i have been given, freely i give.
I am accepting of those who carry greatness.
As i carry greatness, i easily see the greatness in others.

I celebrate others with ease.
I am anointed for such a time as this.
I have the heart of a mother, a mentor and a seasoned minister.

I am blessed therefore i am a blessing.
My words are seasoned with grace.
I collaborate with great women with ease.
I am fulfilling my God-given assignment with ease.

I am deeply grateful and confident the
Lord has not forgotten me. 

In this moment
gently open your eyes.
Place your hand on your heart.

Say this with me:

Find rest my heart my time is coming.
Be still my heart my season is coming.
Now go out into the world today
and embody the virtues that the women of the word possess
may they guide you. 

May they strengthen you.
May they give you endurance.
And may they make you great strength.
See you in my next guided meditations video. 
God bless you.

Using these guided meditations alongside
personal bible study of these women of the word
will anchor you and ground you in
virtues and the godly character that
these women of the word possessed. 
Hope you enjoyed today's guided meditation.

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