8 Minutes Guided Christian Meditation - Letting Go Of Your Past

Sunday, June 28, 2020

I let go of guilt I have been carrying from my past mistakes
I let go of the weight of disappointment I have carried about my past.
I let go of every failure.
I let go of feeling unworthy.

I let go of the pain I have allowed into my present from my past.
I let go of every self-sabotaging opinions I have of myself because of my past.
I let go of names I have given myself because of my past mistakes.
I let go of comparing my past to other people’s past.

I let go of the idea of a perfect life.
I let go of self judgement.
I let go of my past traumas, past pain, past hurts.
I let go of any bitterness, anger and disappointment.

I let go of the expectations I had for others to make me happy.
I let go of the expectations I had for others to treat me better than they did.
I let go of the shame associated with my past and past decisions.
I let go of the sadness I have carried for so long.
I let go of the weight of other people’s expectation.

I chose to be compassionate with myself.
I surrender my mind to God.
Forgetting the former things and pressing towards what is ahead.
I chose healing, for my God sent his word to heal me.

I chose to trust myself and my ability to navigate through my present with wisdom.
I chose to forgive myself and allow myself another chance to be better, for God has forgiven me.
I chose to love myself for I can only love my neighbour with the same intensity, 
passion and purity as I love myself.

I chose to receive God’s unlimited joy to replace every space where the pain once was.
I acknowledge I am responsible for how long I permit what hurt me to haunt me.
I acknowledge that my past does not define me, destroy me, deter me - my past is a lesson.

I release all emotional baggage, hurt and regret.
Like Ruth, I believe a new chapter awaits me.
I embrace the new.
I let go of the old.

Watch Full Video Here

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