10 Dear Daughter Posts for the Week

Thursday, August 11, 2016

1. Dear Daughter,... when both you and him feel the same way about each other...that right there is 'beautiful'. Be willing to release a man who is not on the same page with you, trusting that if he was the 'one', God is not the author of confusion, and that he would have deposited the same 'feelings' in him, that you feel in you. Let Go...and let God!

2. Dear Daughter....instead of playing all the cards in the game to get man to notice you, you need to be praying for God to hide you until the right one comes. Many have been wounded as they went out to Explore! They became 'prey' and were hunted. Now they are carrying life long scars to show for the journeys they travelled. Stay hidden under the shadow of his wings. It's safe in the 'secret place'! And many great things are coming from there!

3. Dear Daughter...if you are bored, find an orphanage to volunteer at. Have a sleep over with the girls1 Read a book! Learn a new language! #Lol. Take yourself out for coffee. Please don't 'lead-on' a man who is not in your plans and who certainly does not strike you as 'marriage material'. Do not awaken love before time. You are planting a bad seed. You might just reap what you are sowing.

Many have walked that path and mistakenly carried the 'babies' of the same men they intended to 'use'. Flee from any appearance of evil and do not use him because he is 'generous'. Remember he is your 'brother in the Lord'. Let him find his wife while you wait for your husband.

4. Dear Daughter....imagine a life where what you have going on with 'Bae' is an inspiration to all watching! Imagine your 'way of living' being a ministry on its own. A written epistle! Imagine choosing to live right as you court and stepping into marriage with the 'full-blessing' that God intended for those who walk unpright! Imagine telling your kids to 'live right' without having to stammer because you didn't. Those are true #Goals

5. Dear Daughter....when you have to show cleavage to get his attention, show a thigh to get him to 'inbox you' or show some skin to have him call you, you have lost the whole plot. Can you belive that...somewhere out there is a woman he is willing to preserve before he marries, while he is out here getting it all from you. I heard someone say;
"A man will kick it with you, get saved, become a Pastor and use your story as a testimony of how he got delivered from a 'strange women'."
Don't be 'THAT GIRL'!

6. Dear Daughter....you are more than your complexion, your skin, your height, your weight. In you is a 'great spirit', destined to do great exploits on this earth. You are meant to partner up with an equally incredible spirit, in the form of a man...so that both of you can do incredible works for God's glory. You are an instrument. Find what your purpose is, and naturally....being found by HIM will flow into place.

7. Dear Daughter.....How can i add on anything to that!

8. Dear Daughter....If you struggle to talk about spiritual things around him, if he does not know you go to church, if you have taken him to your church but found it hard to pray in tounges or get slain in the spirit while he watched,....girrrrrrl....you playin'! A man should disciple you, teach you, lead you closer to God and wash you with the word! If you have to hide your zeal , your love, your enthusiasm for the Lord to make space for him...you are on a rocky, dangerous road.

Two things always happen when 2 people meet;
"You either chnage him...or he changes you!"

9. Dear Daughter.....God sits up high and looks down low. His thoughts are far elevated and above ours. He sees the beggining from the end. He lives 'in time' but is not 'confined/restricted' by time. You have to imagine how grand he is to understand how powerfully and incredibly in control he is! You have not been forgotten! Be patient...and while you wait...BE CONTENT!

10. Dear Daughter....never forget your identity. You are both King and Priest! You are queening! You are important and your name is written in the palm of the Father's hands. You are not forgotten and his plans for your life are plently...all GOOD! Plans to prosper you and to give you a future and a HOPE. He knows your thoughts from afar! You are walking in kingdom authority and you are entitled to kingdom treatment and kingdom rights. Being a child of a King, you deserve the best God has to offer. Lift your head high, straighten your back & baby... WALK TALL!


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